Dear Mr. Phun,
When I first signed up for your class I just wanted to take it so that I could use photoshop for my pictures but I came out of it with a lot more. Even though I have been doing photography for a few years I underestimated how much I didn’t know about it. One important thing I learned was what the settings on the camera did how to use them because previously I only used auto mode. Another important thing I learned was how to use Lightroom. Before your class I would edit my pictures then move them to Photoshop which could be hard sometimes because Lightroom is easier to use. On that note I also learned more features in Photoshop beyond the burn and lighten tools. I enjoyed getting to go around campus and take pictures. I enjoyed this because I like having hands on experiences and it was nice to be outside instead of always having to sit in a classroom.

I chose this picture because it was a creative assignment

I chose this picture because I like how the colors turned out in it

I chose this picture because it was one of the last ones I took
before school ended and Gio made me take a lot of pictures of her